Should I get emergency road service with my car insurance?
Aside from the convenience of being covered for any road emergencies another advantage of buying emergency road services as part of your car insurance is that you end up paying less than if you purchase a separate emergency road policy. Emergency road services policies are offered by a lot of automobile clubs and car insurance companies as well. Purchasing a policy just for one extended trip is more expensive if you compute the cost per day. So if you do travel a lot and purchase a policy each time you take a trip you might be surprised to find out that you actually end up paying more than if you just opted to include it as an additional feature of your car insurance policy. Even one year subscriptions for emergency road services are usually more expensive than having it as an additional feature of your car insurance.
Emergency Road Services offer coverage for problems usually not covered in typical car insurances. Some of the usual problems covered by emergency road services include towing, battery/jump start service, vehicle fluid delivery, on site mechanical adjustments, lock-out services, flat tire assistance, winching, and even travel assistance. Depending on your insurance provider the road problems covered can be just several of those stated here or even more than those stated here.
Although it is recommended that you get emergency road service along with your car insurance make sure you know just what the portion of the policy includes. There might be some services that are particularly important to you that your car insurance company does not offer. In that case it will be wise to either use a different car insurance company or just sign up for emergency road services with a different organization.
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